Space stuff
I was a contributing writer to SkyNews Magazine (the official magazine of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, not the British TV channel) between March 2020 and February 2023. A major focus of my writing was on Canada’s role in astronomical research and space exploration. I wrote features, news articles and, starting in November 2022, I wrote at least three weekly stories on discoveries and policies in modern astronomy.
How satellites and light pollution rewrite Indigenous sky stories
Every civilization sees itself reflected in the night sky. As light pollution and satellites obscure the stars, Indigenous people worry another part of their heritage is disappearing.
The milky way’s monster
Astronomers have known since the 1930s that something massive lurks at the centre of our galaxy. Now an international team of scientists has looked past the veil of dust at the Milky Way’s core and seen into the monster’s lair.
searching for life on Mars
Even the most sophisticated rovers on Mars have their limits on how much research can be accomplished. To find out if Mars ever hosted life, scientists need to study the real thing.