A fuel truck heads north on the Fort Chipewyan winter road on Friday, February 9, 2018. Vincent McDermott/Fort McMurray Today/Postmedia Network

A fuel truck heads north on the Fort Chipewyan winter road on Friday, February 9, 2018. Vincent McDermott/Fort McMurray Today/Postmedia Network

On the road to Fort Chipewyan, warm weather means a loss of freedom


Thursday, August 17, 2017 / Fort McMurray Today 

In Fort Chipewyan, the freezing winters and icy winds bring freedom. 

During those months, the community is no longer cut off by thousands of kilometres of boreal forest. Suddenly, the community of 900 mostly Cree, Dene and Métis people suddenly have access to a makeshift highway winding through frozen rivers and wilderness, connecting the hamlet to the rest of the province. In no time, thousands of trucks and vehicles crisscross the hilly and icy road, hauling everything from millions of litres of fuel to thousands of tonnes of construction materials.

But the window to stockpile supplies until the next winter is a short one. Last Monday, the municipality decided it was too warm to guarantee no one would fall through the winter road to Fort Chipewyan and closed the route until next winter. For now, the hamlet on the shores of Lake Athabasca is marooned, reachable only by airplanes and – once the Athabasca River thaws – boats.

“It is a unique thing for us and very important to the community psychologically,” said Councillor Bruce Inglis, who represents Wood Buffalo’s northern communities on municipal council for Ward 2. “The freedom to move out of here as you want to in the winter is quite a thing. It’s very freeing to jump in your vehicle and go to Fort McMurray.”

The winter road begins approximately 90 kilometres north of Fort McMurray. A sign at the end of Highway 63 warns people of the need to be self-sufficient if they continue north. For the next 159 kilometres, cellular reception is non-existent. There are no service stations and rarely any road patrols. Emergency supplies are a must. If you break down, stay put. Falling through the ice or getting lost this far north is almost certain to end in tragedy. That being said, the municipality insists the road is safe when it’s open and regularly inspected.

Stories of drivers gripping the steering wheel with one hand and the door handle with the other, just in case they have to bail out, are frequently traded at gas stations and truck stops along Highway 63. However, the people hauling thousands of tonnes of materials on the road say those days are largely over. The chance of even the heaviest commercial trucks crashing through the ice is slim when the ice is more than a metre thick, so an SUV or pickup truck should be fine. But it’s driver beware if anyone drives the road before it’s open or after its closed.

“When it’s open, it’s a pretty nice road I can’t complain about,” said Keith Bosse, who spent the past winter transporting gasoline from a hub in Lloydminster to Fort Chipewyan. “It’s all about how you drive. I stop the second I can’t see in front of me. Some other guys probably wouldn’t stop unless their hood ended up buried in the snow.”

Some of the hills of the Fort Chipewyan winter road on Friday, February 9, 2018. Vincent McDermott/Fort McMurray Today/Postmedia Network

Some of the hills of the Fort Chipewyan winter road on Friday, February 9, 2018. Vincent McDermott/Fort McMurray Today/Postmedia Network

Of course, accidents have happened on the north’s winter highways. In 2009, three women were killed driving south out of Fort Chipewyan after colliding with a northbound truck near a sudden bend. It took 45 minutes for emergency crews to arrive.

But when the winter road opens in time for Christmas, it’s an exciting day in Fort Chipewyan as people suddenly have a chance to shop or visit loved ones in Fort McMurray and Edmonton. The community’s only grocery store uses the period to stock up on non-perishable goods. Prices for items like milk and vegetables drop, albeit relatively. On one day in February, a carton of strawberries was just under $10. A package of three boneless chicken breasts was $19. Fortunately, the steel, glass and concrete needed to build a second store arrived this year, as did several mobile homes from the Wood Buffalo Housing and Development Corporation.

A non-stop parade of tanker trucks with 50,000-litre capacities delivers five million litres of fuel to Fort Chipewyan’s power plant. Inglis estimates at least 400 truckloads of goods arrive during the winter to keep the hamlet supplied until next winter, not including supplies ordered by the Mikisew Cree and Athabasca Chipewyan First Nations.

“Almost immediately the costs associated with living here goes down once the road opens,” said Chief Allan Adam of the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation. “The reality is we’re stuck for eight months of the year and this is our shot at getting everything in.”

When the first snow falls on northern Alberta, graders will have already smoothed ruts made by off-roaders during the warmer months. Work crews contracted by the municipality will use heavy trucks to pound snow and ice into a base. In the wetlands and marshes of the Athabasca Delta, which take up a third of the winter road, work begins once there is at least six inches of ice over the waters. People on snowmobiles – and eventually trucks – will drill holes into the ice, allowing water to flow to the surface to freeze and form a solid base. Once the ice is strong enough, larger vehicles will pack snow closer together into a hard surface.

The winter road usually opens sometime in mid to late December when the ice is more than a metre thick, or strong enough to support the convoys of 45,000-kilogram supply trucks. Crews fill potholes with water and snow. Overall, the municipality will build the road with 180 million litres of water at an average cost of $2.75 million, or $17,259 per kilometre, every year.

“It’s about preserving the road as long as possible,” said Marc Fortais, the municipality’s senior manager for public works and transit services.

Some of the hills of the Fort Chipewyan winter road on Friday, February 9, 2018. Vincent McDermott/Fort McMurray Today/Postmedia Network

Some of the hills of the Fort Chipewyan winter road on Friday, February 9, 2018. Vincent McDermott/Fort McMurray Today/Postmedia Network

The winter road was first built in the early 1980s by volunteers from Fort Chipewyan. Prior to that, the only way for a resident of Fort Chipewyan to reach Fort McMurray was to drive 228 kilometres north to Fort Smith, NWT. From there, people would drive even further north to Hay River on the shores of Great Slave Lake, before turning south towards High Level and Athabasca before driving up Highway 63. The trip lasts about 2,000 kilometres, or nearly the same driving distance from Fort McMurray to Kenora, Ont.

After those volunteers proved a winter road could be maintained, the province maintained the route until Fort McMurray and its surrounding communities amalgamated into the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo in 1995. Since then, connecting Fort McMurray and the rural hamlets has been a struggle for the municipality. Everything from more bus trips to a hovercraft service have been proposed, but those ideas have never moved off the drawing board. The price tag to build and maintain a year-round road, even one made from dirt or gravel, through forest and over rivers would be prohibitive, Fortais said.

“We get asked that question all the time,” he said. “That conversation would be a significant one for the region. The dollar cost would be very, very, very significant.”

For Adam, such a road should be discussed with the community. Some residents in Edmonton and Fort McMurray were unable to make it back in time before the winter road closed. There are always those few who will risk driving home after the road has been closed, although Adam thinks most will be cautious and take the long route through the Northwest Territories. The winter road‘s lifespan has been getting shorter in the last few years, he added. One time, he remembered it opened in mid-November and stayed open until late April.

“We should talk about an all-weather road and look at opening up the community to the rest of the north,” he said. “Ultimately, no one controls the road. It’s controlled by Mother Nature and we’re at her mercy.”